

InMoov prosthetic hand almost ready

 You can find more scripts for MRL and for InMoov in the Download tab:

If the script is a it is for the MRL version 1695
If the script is a it is for the latest versions
I have modified the pin setting of jaw servo between the two versions
I have added eyes pins which now allow 4 PID tracking.
-Version 1695 pin 12 on Arduino Uno (right side of the robot)
-Version latests pin 26 on Arduino Mega (left side of the robot)
You can find the hardware map and pins connections for inmoov 2.0 here:
InMoov 2.0 is a new service implemented in MyRobotLab, FASTER, STRONGER, BETTER!!
It is not completely functional but it will have more features than inmoov 1.0

Thanks to Grog, and Alessandro we are progressing!!
Patchwork by Grog