

Going to the next step
Building progress of the Left Arm.

Here the left hand is attached to the arm. Hitec Lenk Servo HS 805BB FG appeared to be a little bigger than I expected, so I had to remodel the brackets.
Here you can see that "leftrobpart4" had to be modified for the hinge
Sides reinforcers of the arm
"Robcap2" fixed to "elbowshaft1"
The left hand before it's fingertips assembly. This is something I am still unsure, because I would like to set some FSR sensors, but I have no idea how to make the servos responsive to them.


  1. I think my comment today for your project was routed to the hand. You make me laugh and smile. Your project is SUPER COOL! Do not forget to post on Thingiverse - please. I mounted a fifth servo to my hand and will, maybe, wire the fingers today - May 19.

  2. It appears the elbo/wrist will be restricted to one plane of movement without rotation. How are incorporating human type of movement?

  3. There will be at the shoulder another axe plane which I agree isn't enough. Also I'm planning on modifying the wrist, for to get a 60/70 degree movement. But hey, I'm glad it makes you smile and laugh, because me too, I do that only for the fun.

  4. Wow! I'm loving it. Thank you for doing the hard work of exploring 3D. Unbelievable 3d printing.
