

I finally updated all fingers hinges to make it much easier for assembly. If you have an acurate printer there shouldn't be anymore filling nor drilling. Although I have a quality reputated printer, holes shrink a little because of the overhang. I tried of making snap in parts like suggested Easton Lachapelle, but with the test I did, the strength of the traction exerced by the rods would disassemble the hinges.
Anyway, I received the AS5040 Magnetic encoders ordered for the big servos. Soon time for electronics and adventure I really don't know much about...

Also trying to teach InMoov with voice recognition, and object detection. I'm far still from any good result. My camera is not even detected by the software myrobotlab, but the voice gives results. I tried to make him say something before he starts the action but I get really confused in some implementation for now. Those new softwares and concepts have to make their way in my brain first before to be applied to InMoov. 

Here is a little video:

There is someone that needs your interest at the moment, he has done a great job on producing a printable hand in one piece if I understand right. He plans on creating another version you can discover.
He has launched an indiegogo campaign here


  1. Hi Hairygael,

    Thanks for your great moves forward. I'd been stopped out on my right hand with life. I picked it up last night and not getting any updates from your blog (?) I checked on you. Wow! Elbow, rotating wrist, servo supports, new fingers and more! Thank You!

    I'd started thinking and slowly collecting for beginning the left hand by printing the fingers about three weeks ago - May'12. Now, I'm going to have to get a move to get the rest going.

    Last night I'd also pulled out my servo test and got movement in my right hand. I realized I need to get a power supply for it.

    Say, you should begin to look at the smaller form factor Arduinos (?) If you wanted to have remote brain power in limbs updating to more central intelligence the small mcu boards would be the ticket. --- I just realized that if you incorporate various small mcu throughout the robot sending signals to a central more powerful processor that would be sort of a nervous system?

    --- I apologize for having not sat down to figure out blender yet to work with your files. I can think I just do not as fast/well as you.

    Oh, be kinder to your robot. He may be dumb but, he is trying. ;-)

    Brian - Pittsburgh
    P.S. Thanks too for the cover!

    1. Hi Brian, interesting your idea of small mcu boards, you see I didn't even know it existed and what was the purpose of it. How does it work exactly?
      Glad you are going to go on with the project and glad these update will help you.
      Also, I looked , after your suggestion, at Maestro control center software this morning and was wondering if it could control arduino boards?
      Is it the same language? Gee I really need to learn some of those stuff.
      PS: InMoov has been a bad boy during the film, he kept dropping the ball when he was not supose to, I found out later. The connections on the breedboard were burning and caused to reinitialise the pattern somehow. All these servos drag a lot of power.

    2. Hairygael,

      Search - Arduino Nano or Femtoduino as two of many mcu boards. They are just tiny Arduino clone boards.

      As far as the Maestro interface controlling the Arduino - The Arduino is AVR and the Maestro is a PIC. I do not think they are directly compatible but, I have not researched and I've not seen either the AVR or PIC camps excited about cross compatible discussions. So, not likely since the Arduino is ATmel AVR and the Maestro is a MicroPIC.

      I'd been thinking/hoping, without experimentation or research, that the Arduino would be the brains and work through the Maestro Servo Controller. The Maestro PC Software is great that you can record motions/activities and play them at will. But, I may be all wrong about an easy plug and play with Arduino. It is my start though. The Maestro has it's own scripting for the motor controls. If the Arduino can control some program/scripting on the Maestro then with interfacing some sensors through the Arduino to trigger action calls to the Maestro to run scripts for specific actions would be fun. Alas, I am not sure, yet, if this would work though. I'm too engrossed with just trying the mechanics and wanting to get both your arms built.

      I know what you mean about learning languages, electronics, mechanics, CAD.... It doesn't seem to stop. I've just begun looking at air muscles to add with the servos. It may be a nice blend of technologies?

      But, if the Maestro does not work with your setup - "What you worry?" You are doing great! with your arm and methods now.

      On your blog - Thanks for the Kickstarter link to Meet Roy. There is some good ideas on your robot motion and possible collaborations. I kinda go along with that Brian's thoughts regarding liking to play with the mechanics while others create the programming and electronics. Since - I don't know enough of any to do real efforts - Yet....

  2. You know - I just looked more at the Maestro. It will interface by taking commands from the Arduino through the RX, TX, ERR, RXT and maybe the TXIN pins. I like the Maestro because I could run servos through paces while in Macro/Record mode and easily play the actions back. There are pinouts on the Maestro identified as RX, TX (not sure of the protocol yet). Since the PIC is an mcu it will likely speak TTL, I2C or other which will work with the Arduino. I feel comfortable with the AVR (ATmel) environment since there is so much readily available code and people people working in the environment. Yeah? There is even the fantasy of using a RTOS [Real Time Operating System] for artificial intelligence? Ha, Ha.....

    Have your read MAKE or looked at the activity around Maker faire?

    1. Gee, you are talking alien to me, I just started to discover these environments, it's a lot in one go. I have read three times your post and start to get an idea. (Also English isn't my language).
      I have posted the project on MAKE, but that's all. Thanks it will help me to go deeper.

  3. Hi Hairygael,

    What 3D printer are you using? You're parts are very smooth!

  4. Hi, I use a 3d Touch from BFB, but I had to build my own heated bed for to be able to print in ABS. A Replicator or Mendel would do the same job, I think.

  5. I have been watching this project and am very impressed! I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I strongly believe that this is what is needed to bring robots into peoples homes. Robots today are too expensive due to expensive parts to prevent backlash etc. I think these are solutions which should be solved with cheap hardware and complex software (which can be open sourced, formed into libraries, and re-used millions of times). I had been thinking of doing a project like this for a long time. I would have already started building my own imoov based robot, if you hadn't been iterating on it so quickly and making it better and better.

    Great job! Don't give up, this project has the potential to make an enormous impact.

    1. Thanks for this very nice comment. If you had planed to do your own InMoov project, I think you should go ahead anyway, because I don't think I will be able to handle a complete robot all by myself. There is too many options in this field and since I'm a real beginner...
      Anyway I will go on until I get tired of it or stucked because of lack of knowledge.
