

Jaw Mechanism

Jaw mechanism is uploaded on Thingiverse.

I have done the complete step by step for the assembly of the neck and jaw. This should get you going.
Check the "Assembly help" tab.

There might be some stuff to modify but it works in my InMoov robot like this for now, and I'm not going to review it all again so you might as well try it like this.
Remember if you decide to modify some parts, there is the eye mechanism, still to come in there.

I hope you have fun building this, sometimes I which I was you guys. What took me a month to create, you just print it and put it together. I'm getting a bit jealous...

Please post your pictures on Thingiverse otherwise I don't keep posting parts!

Sometimes I find people building InMoov, posting pictures on their own blog or site and making modifications and not sharing their work. Not even attributing the parts to InMoov.

This "was" the exemple of what I meant. What do you think about that?
At the time I put this link their post has been modified. 

So thanks to them.
I hope, we hope, we all hope they will put their derivatives files for download.  

Okay, Gael calm down. 

Giving is the best gift you can get.



  1. hello geal

    I am printing your robot. I will post more as soon its not in single parts anymore. I love your work it makes me very happy. And everything is just working fine. Excellent job.

    1. here is my blog:

    2. Fantastic! This makes me happy, thanks to your daughter. I see you are printing in PLA, I will like to get feedback about that. The Replicator one is the perfect printer somehow for InMoov. Two head printer, a heated bed and chamber, a large printing area.
      I see you try to print with raft and support. Unless I specify on the instructions, I would recommend not to, it is time consuming and very difficult to remove in some parts, specially with PLA. Most of my parts are designed (normaly) to be printed as is. If support is necessary I do mention it on Thingiverse.
      Your parts are coming out very neat. And I will follow your progress with great pleasure.

    3. @eifa i find your blog and work nice :-)

  2. I print in abs but faster as usual so the prints look a bit rough but i can sand them down and like that the printing time is a lot faster. i agree raft printing was a bad decision i don't do it anymore.
    I will print some more parts then i will start to assemble.

    1. ABS? wow it is very white. Me too, I kind of print fast and mainly at a 0.5 layer thickness... That's also one of the reason I try to design parts that don't require support.

  3. My noozle is 0.4 i should buy a bigger one for 3mm filament and try 0.5 too - but not for this project i will just go on as i started. The parts look stable. Yes its white colored 1.75mm ABS from the makerbot filament is even whiter. But they are in NYC to much shipping cost for me as i am in europe.

    1. homplatefront-V1 and homplatefront+V1 are printed in makerbot white btw
      you can see the difference on the foto.

  4. @gael langevin

    Hopefully they will publish the derivative parts, after all they are making money by copying other people's work. But whether they do or not is irrelevant with regard to the value of the actual product. That design looks so much like the usual Japanese robots; it might be capable, that remains to be seen, but it looks so robotish.

    InMoov however strikes with its awesomeness and movement. Its 'behavior' suggests human-like introspection and consciousness. The moves you have programmed are so theatrical, InMoov exhibits a unique pleasant personality, that, at times, can show curiosity, eagerness to explore new territory, or even sadness and regret. Not only the skills required to do this are impressive, but the intention of the creator is even more impressive and admirable; this cannot just happen by accident. The uniqueness of your creation lies in InMoov's behavior, its physical characteristics accentuate it. The mere fact that you installed pupil like cameras instead of a block ready made stereo camera is indicative of your intension, as is the almost 'archaic smile' you put on its face that gives it supernatural naivety and innocence. Be sure that many people are inspired by your work and the openness of your design.

    gael langevinm you have created a unique being and a new kind of art!

    1. Wow, who are you? This calms me down and treats me good.
      Thanks a lot for your comment.

    2. I agree with you completely @dzach.

      Gael, your robot transcends anything that I have ever seen being created. Most robots are designed for a purpose, and such have virtually no regard for the "look and feel" of the robot. Your robot is so remarkably human like, it borders on scary sometimes.

      This is why your work fascinates me, and the fact that I can print your designs and build my own version just makes it even better. Rest assured there are many people who are fascinated by your work, and don't be jealous because we can just print your hard work... we are mere mortals, copying a design legend, in awe of his creation :)

      I will start posting pictures of my robot as soon as it is assembled. Almost done with the right hand.

    3. Thanks Sebastian, very nice comment that treats me good also. I'm glad the Netfabb tuto helped.
      I don't get jealous because people can print my hard work, I get a bit angry when people say it is their own work. Really I enjoy when I see new prints of my stuff, so I will be happy to see your pictures.

  5. Lol, I'm someone who's lost his mind looking at your robot reaching for its head in disrepair after dropping a ball. InMoov's technical limitations, i.e. slow moves, become an advantage once you focus in making its moves expressive and theatrical.

    I don't know how the moving jaw will come out, InMoov is already pretty expressive being silent. Most robot designs that try to speak look rather clumsy, since speech requires high intelligence that cannot be easily simulated, not to mention achieved. Your own trials show the inherent weaknesses of the current speech technologies.

    However, bodily expression is much more easily achievable; it is basic to all animals and is also easily recognizable across species at a subliminal level. Anger, rage, fear, happiness, sorrow are the emotions and body moves are the signs pointing to these emotions as are groans, moans, sighs, sobs, cries. The signs create emotions in the interpreter.

    If I could suggest something for the jaw, it would be to that direction too. A jaw that drops in surprise is much more expressive than a jaw that tries to utter human speech.

    Thank _you_ very much for your work!

    1. I agree with you, trying to use the jaw movememt to mimic talk actions wouldn't be good. Actualy I made A mechanism for the jaw to fill up the inside of the head, ahaha. Using it for expressions will be the best we can get from InMoov jaw anyway.
      All that said, I can't control what others will do with the jaw of their InMoov robots.

  6. HI Gael.

    I've found this:

    1. Thanks hidetoshi, yes I was aware even before it went live. I actually know (by the net) both of them. Chris Chapell had sent a mail about it a few weeks ago. Easton Lachapelle has used one InMoov hand and arm to work on his project. I have helped him also a few times through Thingiverse.
      Thanks for the link.

  7. Hi Gael,

    ginge here (Barry Carter)
    So I don't think you are including my work under your "modifications" comment, here are the details of my project.
    Ehile my project isn't a derivative, some inspiration was taken from inmoov for my robot. I also use the inmoov hands.

    My project lives here:

    Great work and thanks

    1. Hi Ginge,
      Of course I have included your work in my InMoov collection on Thingiverse.

  8. Hi Gael
    Following up on the discussion above, here is an interesting paper by Patrick Tresset that might interest you (maybe you already know the project). It discusses "[...] the potential for robots to engage with humans by performing artistic tasks."

    The project is called AIKON , and there are a number of videos showing the robot at work.

