

New Website is Up!

Thanks to Leonardo, we have a superb website which will let us get more features then the blog.
Leonardo, an Italian InMoov builder in his spare time, and a great musician, has been working since june to get this up, it has been a long task because every pictures, every tutorials, every posts had to be copied or linked to the site.
He has created a set of tabs with more functions and sub-tabs. A new look to get easier access to whatever you look for.

One of the main reason for to move to a site was a to be able to upload builders creations. For that we needed space on servers allowing us to store data.
Leonardo is also going to the Makerfaire in Roma with me and he has uploaded his videos and pictures of his InMoov.

So make sure to check the Community tab and start to upload your creativity.

I will be closing the tabs of the blog when I'm sure everything works on the Website correctly, there is no point to keep everything double.

Please come and visit:



  1. Great news!
    However, I can't write a comment on the new site because it requires me to login, and also, I can't view the 3D sketches because they require the use of Adobe Reader. Other pdf readers cannot view the documents.

    I am on Linux for a reason, and these requirements are a disappointment for me. InMoov is a great open source project and I wish it were open in all respects.

    Keep up your excellent work!

  2. I read articles online very often, but I’m glad I did today. This is good! Excellent

  3. Wow, superb weblog structure! The whole site is great. Im happy I found this

  4. I will be very happy to discover this kind of post very useful personally.
