
Jaw Mechanism

Jaw mechanism is uploaded on Thingiverse.

I have done the complete step by step for the assembly of the neck and jaw. This should get you going.
Check the "Assembly help" tab.

There might be some stuff to modify but it works in my InMoov robot like this for now, and I'm not going to review it all again so you might as well try it like this.
Remember if you decide to modify some parts, there is the eye mechanism, still to come in there.

I hope you have fun building this, sometimes I which I was you guys. What took me a month to create, you just print it and put it together. I'm getting a bit jealous...

Please post your pictures on Thingiverse otherwise I don't keep posting parts!

Sometimes I find people building InMoov, posting pictures on their own blog or site and making modifications and not sharing their work. Not even attributing the parts to InMoov.

This "was" the exemple of what I meant. What do you think about that?
At the time I put this link their post has been modified. 

So thanks to them.
I hope, we hope, we all hope they will put their derivatives files for download.  

Okay, Gael calm down. 

Giving is the best gift you can get.